

Borrowing facilities :

Students, faculties and staffs can lend the printed materials for home reading. Rare and Reference books are not for issue out of the library. The title with reference tag is meant for reference only. However, the book can only be issued on overnight basis at exceptional cases. At the same time, the exceptional cases will also not be entertained at the exam time. Students are not permitted for lending reference document. They have to get the same through any faculty member with a requesting letter to the librarian. One student can issue two documents for a period of 10 days

Lending Services :

Interlibrary Resource Sharing : Library has co-operative arrangement to get documents which are not available in Ramesh Phirodia College of Architecture Library.

Bibliographic services :

New arrivals are being mailed as and when arrived. This facility is available on demand. List of books/articles related architecture can be provided to the students, faculties and staffs.

Library Orientation Programmes /Information Literacy :

Students are given details about library facilities in classroom. Information literacy programmes are conducted to give details about online databases to faculties.


  • All persons may be allowed to enter library. However, the librarian may at his discretion refuse entry if he considers a person either of unsound minds or intoxicated. The decision of the librarian or the next senior officer of the library in the absence of the librarian shall be final in this matter.
  • While entering in to the library users have to show the identity card, and have to sign the gate register in the token of his acceptance to stick on the rules of the library. Library staffs can claim the identity card from the users if required.
  • Personal belongings except purses and note-books shall be not allowed to be carried along with the users beyond the issue counter; these shall be kept at property rack. Library will not be responsible for any loss or damage to the property. Personal documents (Books, Magazines, Journals, Issued books), Cover of laptop are not allowed inside the library.
  • Pets will not be allowed inside the library.
  • The Users shall maintained silence within the library premises.
  • Smoking, Eating and Spitting are prohibited and no user is allowed to sleep in the library.